Our Mission

Open and efficient education, for all.

WebStraw is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering post-secondary students by providing open-access, high-quality educational resources. We aim to remove barriers to learning by offering free, accessible tools that foster academic success, promote collaboration, and support lifelong learning. Our commitment is to create an inclusive and equitable educational landscape, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive regardless of their financial or social background.

get to know us

Our Team

Jahin Kashfi

President, Western Branch

Gurdit Sood

President, Queen's Branch

WebStraw Western

Cheshta Gupta

Vice President

Aya Saleh

Director of Operations

Sarah Solaiman

Technical Team Lead

Quynh Phi

Quality Assurance Director

Maria Kwon

Communications Director

WebStraw Queen's

Pranay Soma

Education Director

Fianna McKnight

Strategy Director

Dylan Kwan

Research Director

Dhruv Patel

Director of Development

Obaida Al-Naib

Communications Director

Shubh Kahlon

Media Director

Steering Committee

Dr. Fadi Bahodi

Co-Founder, Board Chairperson

Alaa Taha

Co-Founder, Board Member

David Nguyen

Board Member

Jahin Kashfi

President, Western Branch

David Nguyen

President, Queen's Branch

WebStraw Western

Cheshta Gupta

Vice President

Joy Zhao

Director of Operations

Eddie Chen

Communications Director

WebStraw Queen's

Pranay Soma

Education Director

Rose Oh

Strategy Director

Gurdit Sood

Research Director

Dhruv Patel

Development Director

Steering Committee

Dr. Fadi Bahodi

Co-Founder, Board Chairperson

Alaa Taha

Co-Founder, Board Member

About Us

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WebStraw?

WebStraw is a student-led non-profit offering free, high-quality educational resources to post-secondary students, aiming to eliminate barriers to learning and promote academic success. We aim to make education more open, accessible and efficient for all students across Canada and beyond.

Yes, all of WebStraw’s resources are completely free and open to access for all students. We are committed to ensuring that education is accessible to everyone, regardless of financial background. 

Most of our content is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, meaning that you are free to share and remix WebStraw’s content, so long as you (1) provide attribution and (2) also share the content under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

Our resources are designed primarily for post-secondary students, but they are open to anyone seeking to enhance their knowledge and learning experience. We strive to make our resources as accessible and thorough as possible.

If you have any suggestions regarding our resources, please send us an email at [email protected]. We would love to hear your feedback and improve our resources!

You can contribute by joining the team as a volunteer, sharing our resources to other students or donating. Please contact us at [email protected] or message us on Instagram (@webstraw) if you are interested in volunteering with WebStraw.

Aside from students, we also welcome educators and experts to help expand and improve our content library. We also accept resource submissions for some projects, such as our Anki drive, where we gather community-made Anki flashcard decks across a variety of disciplines.

WebStraw’s student-led resources are created by team members who have extensive proficiency and prior experience with the subjects and university-specific courses. We also often consult subject matter experts who advise our curricular approach to maximize accuracy, comprehensiveness and educational value.