Making education more open, accessible and efficient for all.

WebStraw is a non-profit dedicated to creating high-quality educational resources and tools, free to access for students across Canada and worldwide.

Our principles

Quality education for all.

Here at WebStraw, quality education for all is our mission. We combine educational resources, learning strategies and individualized support to make the university experience for students the best it can be.


University is more expensive than ever. We hope to help you learn better, save money and break down financial barriers.


Tired of overly dense textbooks and jargon? We get it. Get resources that are made by students, for student learning.


We focus on key concepts and ideas that will help you master the material and ace your exams.


Our resources use active learning and interactivity to make your learning as efficient and engaging as possible.

Our Priorities

By Students, For Students

At WebStraw, we believe that high-quality educational materials should be freely available and directly relevant to the student experience.

Our resources are always designed with input from students, ensuring that they are engaging and address the unique challenges and learning needs that students face in each subject.ย 

We strive to continually improve our resources, make the educational journey more engaging, all while integrating evidence-based strategies throughout our work.

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